MAÏA – The ointment that really repels mosquitoes2024-12-02T06:34:34+00:00

Malaria, a plague for Africa

A child dies from malaria every 2 minutes

According to WHO, 608,000 people died in 2022 from malaria. 90% of victims are young children in Africa.

The number of cases is rising again since 2015

Despite the efforts of the international community, nearly 233 million cases were reported in Africa in 2022.

Malaria slows down an entire continent

First source of absenteeism at school, the disease also weighs heavily on the household budget.

Mosquitoes adapt to mosquito nets

“Tools are needed for protection of people when they are outside of
homes protected by core interventions.”

World Health Organization, Global technical strategy for malaria 2016-2030

Our mission: save 100,000 lives

Goodbye Faso Soap, hello MAÏA!

Launched in 2013, the project initially called “Faso Soap” focused on the development of a long-lasting mosquito soap. We have been able to rely on experts in micro-encapsulation, botany, sociology, entomology.

When we learned that 80% of children under 5 receive ointment on their skin every night, we also worked on an ointment. We concluded that a mosquito-repellent ointment would have a greater impact on malaria than soap. The ointment is also used daily as soap and protects more effectively at a lower cost.

MAÏA, the first long-lasting repellent ointment

We have worked in the field with many mothers to formulate an ointment that meets their requirements and preferences. Our challenge: create an ointment that attracts consumers and repels mosquitoes. After a hundred tests, we selected the best candidate and called it MAÏA.

MAÏA is a 2-in-1 ointment designed to offer the whole family double protection:

  • MAÏA deeply moisturizes skin thanks to nourishing shea butter
  • MAÏA protects from mosquitoes for over 8h with safe repellents

Protect from malaria every day

Protect children
The ointment is used routinely on children under 5 in Africa.
at the right place
Ointments are particularly used in places whith difficult access to healthcare services.
at the right timeOintments are usually used in the evening at 5pm, when Anopheles begin to bite.

MAÏA is growing every day

MAÏA ointments distributed so far
points of sale in 4 countries highly affected by malaria
annual growth of sales

Frequently asked questions

We have listed here the questions we receive most often. If you have other questions, feel free to send us a message at contact@maia-africa.com.

Where can I buy MAÏA?2020-08-06T16:01:27+00:00

You can consult the points of sale closest to you. Burkina Faso is our primary market and we are working to make our ointment accessible in other West African countries.

Can we buy MAÏA in Europe?2020-08-06T16:00:16+00:00

The mission of our social enterprise is to protect the people of Africa from malaria. MAÏA was designed in Burkina Faso, in the heart of West Africa. Our current priority is to develop its distribution in Africa. We do not rule out one day offering MAÏA in Europe, but we do not yet have the necessary marketing authorization (MA) for sale in this market.

Can I become a distributor?2020-08-06T15:59:07+00:00

We would be happy to count you among our distributors. By distributing MAÏA, you are helping to protect your community against mosquitoes that carry malaria. If you wish to order for less than 5 million FCFA, we invite you to contact one of our wholesalers, who will be happy to serve you. Their contact details can be found on the list of our wholesalers.

If you want to order for more than 5 million CFA francs, you can contact us directly at client@maia-africa.com.

How much does MAÏA cost?2024-10-07T08:54:44+00:00

MAÏA is available in two formats:

  • individual format (100ml) at the recommended price of 900F CFA in Burkina Faso and Mali, 1000F in Côte d’Ivoire,
  • family size (250ml) at the recommended price of 1900F CFA in BUrkina Faso and Mali, 2000F in Côte d’Ivoire.


Can I use MAÏA on my child?2020-08-06T15:56:05+00:00

Yes, MAÏA was designed to protect these children from the bites of mosquitoes carrying malaria, in the evening when they are most vulnerable. MAÏA can be used on the body of children over 6 months of age every day. Be careful, however, to avoid contact with the eyes so as not to create eye irritation.

Three toxicity studies showed that MAÏA could be used daily without risk to health. were carried out by independent laboratories:

  • Risk assessment for human health – AtoutREACH, Paris (France)
  • Assessment of toxicity and irritant and allergenic powers – Institute for Research in Health Sciences, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
  • Calculation of the formula’s safety margins – Idea, Bordeaux (France)
Is MAÏA natural?2020-08-06T15:54:34+00:00

We have chosen to favor natural ingredients from West Africa, known for their cosmetic qualities: shea butter, cottonseed oil, beeswax. We have combined these ingredients with petroleum jelly, a synthetic mosquito repellent and perfume. MAÏA can thus be used daily by African families, because our ointment is affordable, effective against mosquitoes and healthy for these users.

Is MAÏA toxic?2020-08-06T15:53:39+00:00

No, three toxicity studies conducted by independent laboratories have shown that MAÏA can be used on a daily basis without risk to health:

  • Human health risk assessment – AtoutREACH, Paris (France)
  • Assessment of toxicity and irritant and allergenic powers – Institute for Research in Health Sciences, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
  • Calculation of the formula’s safety margins – Idea, Bordeaux (France)
How many hours does MAÏA repel mosquitoes?2020-08-06T15:50:01+00:00

MAÏA protects for more than 8 hours against mosquitoes carrying malaria (Anophele).

MAÏA’s design required more than 250 tests on mosquitoes to identify a formulation that was both comfortable to use and effective against mosquitoes.

In 2019, we then carried out outdoor tests in Burkina Faso (National Center for Research and Training on Malaria) and in Tanzania (Ifakara Health Institute) to find out precisely the full protection time. These tests, following WHO protocols, showed that MAÏA completely protects against malaria mosquitoes for 8 hours in Burkina Faso and 9:30 in Tanzania. Two scientific articles presenting this research will be published in 2020.

An experienced team on the field

The project relies on a hybrid structure to maximize its impact. The non-profit organization “100,000 Lives” ensures the research and development of the product, as well as impact measurement. The social enterprise “Maïa Africa” intervenes in the marketing and sales of the ointment.

Franck Langevin
Franck LangevinCo-founder, Chief Executive Officer
Franck has been working in the field of innovation for 12 years, in companies such as NAVTEQ (NOKIA) and Mappy. He is Stanford University and Dublin City University graduate in the fields of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and International business.
Gérard Niyondiko
Gérard NiyondikoCo-founder, Managing Director
Gérard is an engineer graduated at 2iE engineering school. He also owns a Bachelor in Chemistry, field that he taught for 7 years. He has been technical manager in the beverage industry in Burundi.
Assitan Monekata
Assitan MonekataChief Operating Officer
Assitan Monekata has a rich experience of 25 years in the distribution sector in Africa. She has held general management positions at Wave Mobile Money, PEG Africa, B.A.T., Unilever and Orange. She holds a DESS in Marketing, Distribution and Sales as well as a Master’s degree in English Literature.

Our supporting partners

The development of our project could not progress without the essential help of technical and financial partners.

Our technical partners

Our financial partners

In the headlines

Thanks to journalists, our project got attention in many countries over the world.

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MAÏA in Burkina Faso

Rue 29.13, Dagnoen, Ouagadougou
Tel: +226 68 10 23 60

MAÏA in Mali

Close to LPNCS, Kati
Tel: +223 72 70 79 14

MAÏA in Uganda

180b Mobutu Road, Makindye, Kampala
Tel: +256 76 3673046

MAÏA in Côte d’Ivoire

Boulevard Clozel, Le Plateau, Abidjan
Tel: +225 0767231823

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